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Community Guidelines


ozfortress is a community that caters to any players who want to play Team Fortress competitively and socially. The community is run by administrators who rely heavily on all members for each action they take. The administration team is made up of current and past community members who have volunteered their own time to run and oversee the community.

Each member of ozfortress is held to account by the below standards and each rule is enforced by the ozfortress staff. As a member of ozfortress, how you behave in-game is just as important as your actions in other mediums (such as Discord, on our website, Steam chat, etc). ozfortress staff value each community member’s experience as most important to its continued success. ozfortress is not just about competitive gaming, it is a community that offers a range of social and gaming opportunities to its members.

The following rules are strictly enforced throughout any medium through which ozfortress presents content to its community, including team chats. Breaking any of the following rules will result in repercussions that may apply to all ozfortress-hosted competitions, message boards and Discord channels regardless of prior standing.

Community Rules

  • Promote a sense of community and respect for each other.
  • Abuse, harassment, or discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.
  • No flaming. Do not make comments intending to incite a negative response. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Derogatory/discriminatory comments
    • Hatespeech
  • No NSFW content, obscenity or gore posting.
  • No illicit/illegal content.
  • No doxing. Do not share a person's personal details without permission, including but not limited to:
    • Revealing personal details.
    • Inappropriate use of images.
  • No impersonation. Do not attempt to impersonate any staff or players.
  • No heavy political discussions.
  • No accusations of deviancy. If you feel a member of the community should no longer be a member of our community, make a report here.


The purpose of Discord is for players of ozfortress to discuss TF2 related things as well as other game-related topics. It is a meeting point for members and as such is moderated to a lesser extent than other areas of the community however not exempt from our Community Guidelines or Discord Rules.

If you are banned on any ozfortress medium, you may be subject to restrictions/bans on Discord at the discretion of the ozfortress administration team.

Discord Rules

Breaking the following rules may result in punishment befitting that specific breach:

  • No abuse/harassment. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Do not harass, abuse or threaten any members.
  • No racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic slurs, remarks or posting.
    • This includes posting images containing slurs.
  • No spamming. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Posting the same message multiple times in a short amount of time.
    • Posting the same message in multiple channels.
  • No posting of illicit/illegal content including NSFW material. Please note that the following are included:
    • Piracy discussion. This does not include discussing safe torrenting practises, but anything that blurs into sharing piracy links or tools will be removed.
  • No posting of links that "joke" about, allude to, or otherwise make reference to illicit/illegal content, including what ozfortress deems as illicit/illegal, such as:
    • Cheating, cheat clients, or the sale of cheat clients.
  • ozfortress staff will not verify the safety of links within Discord. If we suspect a link is dangerous or harmful (or is reported as being such), we will remove it and time out the user at minimum. We urge everyone when clicking a link anywhere to be safe, be that on any ozfortress service or just whilst on the internet.
    • If it's not already clear, we won't expose anyone to the dangers of harmful links, even our staff.
  • No advertising other servers, communities, netwoks, organizations or leagues without express permission from the ozfortress League Director or Media Coordinator.
  • Do not attempt to bypass Moderation filters, Discord bot moderation tools or any Terms of Service applicable.
  • Abuse of ozfortress staff will NOT be tolerated and is treated as a serious offence.
  • Heed the instructions of ozfortress staff. This one should be pretty clearly in the realm of common sense, but since it's stated here - someone has already tested this.
    • If it's not already very clear, our staff volunteer their time, their energy, whole parts of their lives - because they love the game and love our community. This doesn't exclude them from fair criticism, but it does exclude them from the stupidity of those who want to waste their time over debating Discord rules, all of which in our case are very much common sense and exist in all online communities.


Punishments for some breaches of these rules will be dealt with using a system of infraction points. Details of infractions that can be issued can be found here. Violations of some Discord rules will only result in Discord-specific punishments.