Current & Past Staff¶
Staff Tag Disclaimer
ozfortress has seen dozens of staff members over the last couple decades, and without them it would not be where it is today. Below you'll find the current and past staff members listed with contact info. Please note, if a "staff" member is not on this page, they are not a staff member and you should report them to the League Director.
ozfortress staff are no longer expected to run the "ozfortress" tag in their Steam alias, so this page is the best resource to check if a staff member is who they say they are.
If you are found actively trying to impersonate, apply affiliation with, or deceive community members by acting as a member of the ozfortress staff, you will be punished.
Team Leads/Heads¶
Have an issue that isn't within the Sixes or Highlander realm? Good chance our Team Leads/Heads will have an answer for you. As always, we ask that you go through either #sixes-support
/ #highlander-support
/ #ticket-support
within our Discord first before contacting one of us directly.
Role | Name | Discord |
League Director | core | @coreobs |
Sixes Head Admin | Chili | @hawk_33 |
Highlander Head Admin | Sperkle | @sperkle |
Head of Anti-Cheat | catfish | @catfishau |
Head of Behaviour Panel | core | @coreobs |
Media Coordinator | Sperkle | @sperkle |
League Admins¶
As mentioned in our competitive league rulesets, League Administrators in tandem with each league's Head Administrator and League Director, are responsible for the effective running of ozfortress seasonal competitions.
League | Name | Discord |
Sixes | Celph | @celph |
Sixes | emgee | @emgee |
Sixes | HUNGRY4EGGS | @hungry4eggs |
Sixes | inStinct | @in5tinct_ |
Sixes (Trial Admin) | mashiro | @mashirotf |
Highlander | Kai | @head_empty_no_thoughts |
Highlander | redja | @redja |
Highlander | woozy | @w.oozy |
Highlander (Trial Admin) | Pulse | @bigpulsey |
New Player Experience Team¶
Our New Player Experience Team was formed to help us further bridge the gap between competitive TF2 and the casual community. Good chance, if we're running team drives, icebreakers or cups, these guys are involved!
Public Behaviour Panel members¶
There are currently three Behaviour Panel members who are public, with two members who are not. We leave this decision purely up to the individual, however we do ask that those in an administration role (or those who were) are public-facing if possible. We will always strive to have an equal ratio of staff/non-staff members, if not strive for more members who are not serving in an administration role.
Name | Discord |
core (Head of Behaviour Panel) | @coreobs |
snazzy (Panel member) | @thelampshade22 |
ory (Advisor) | N/A |
samson (Advisor) | N/A |
Those above marked with Advisor are only on the panel in an advisory capacity. Advisors are only called upon in difficult/edge cases or when we need another opinion. Those in the Advisor role will only ever be past long-serving panel members, panel leads, Head Admins, etc.
Please DO NOT contact panel members or advisors directly. The only public point of contact should ever be the Head of the Behaviour Panel or League Director. This is so all reports, queries, etc - go through the appropriate avenues and processes.
Media Team¶
The team that helps make everything media-related for ozfortress happen. Be it our socials, YouTube, or coordinating other PR tasks, it's one of these brilliant people.
Name | Discord |
Sperkle (Media Coordinator) | @sperkle |
Beater | @beater |
Brady | @bradyyyy. |
joshrofllmao | @joshroflmao |
Development Team¶
The team responsible for bringing you Citadel, updates to it, and production of our other services.
Role | Name |
Development Team Lead | /dev/zero |
Development Team Lead | Shigbeard |
Developer | a team of ants in their prime |
Developer | Amatorii |
Developer | arbabf |
Developer | nano |
Developer | silent |
Developer | tetrx |
Past Staff¶
- /dev/zero (Citadel and Source Server Controller)
- a team of ants in their prime (Sixes Heaad Admin & Head of Behaviour Panel)
- amd
- Aragon
- arnold
- baf
- Bakes
- bird (Highlander Head Admin)
- bladez (Livelogs and ozfortress booker)
- blitzen
- Brodogs
- catfish (League Director)
- chimes
- Cole
- down
- ferelah
- fez
- Fozzlm (Media Coordinator)
- frydog
- gabbo
- hatchet
- Hawk (Head of Behaviour Panel)
- hcaz
- hive
- Ishanu
- Jump!
- Kenneth (League Director)
- kam
- kocka
- lammy
- LiquidAlchemy
- mercury (Co-Founder of ozfortress)
- micko
- multi (Sixes Head Admin)
- munz
- No Mercy
- nsk
- obla (League Director)
- Oldcustard
- OnionS
- Platinum/shy
- Psyfox
- raina
- Rainy
- ravelizard
- RynoCerus
- samson (Head of Behaviour Panel)
- Seraphim
- sage
- shrak
- snazzy
- Solus
- stv!
- tempest (Co-Founder of ozfortress)
- Thyme
- Thermite
- TomSawyer
- tonberry
- ToyotaMan
- Varris
- warbot
- wiggin
- wils
- wm
- wolfeh
- yauch